Tickled Manta's

August 11, 2019  •  1 Comment

     Marine life tends to avoid divers and the clamorous machine on their backs venting bubbles. Not so for the manta ray's of "El Boiler" at the Revilligigedo Archipelago 250 miles from the tip of the Baja Peninsula. These mantas are abundant and love divers! More specifically they enjoy the sensation of the venting bubbles tickling their undersides and will swoop in stop and hover over a diver to enjoy the man made spa. It is quite the spectacle.

     On my journey to what is also known as Socorro, I was accompanied by a family with children of what looked to be 11 years old and up. The image to the top right is of one of the boys. It was exciting to watch this youngster having the thrill of his life interacting with these majestic creatures; the bubbles delighting the hovering manta with a 12' wing span.

     During the course of one of the dives at El Boiler, I had my face pressed up against the camera shooting away. Suddenly it got dark as if the sun dipped behind a cloud. I pulled my face away from the viewfinder only to see a giant manta parked over my head shuddering from my venting bubbles. The manta sat there for what seemed like a minute or so before gently moving on to the next submerged bubble maker. 

     It is never lost on me how special moments like this are. It is rare when a wild animal willingly interacts with human without training or feeding. This is why manta rays have a special place in my log book. There's more to them than meets the eye. 


Join me on the Solmar V to Socorro May 2021.

Full details here!



Caradonna Adventures(non-registered)
Thank you for your message about "Tickled Manta's." I'm intrigued! It sounds like an interesting and unique topic. Could you please provide more details or context about what you mean by "Tickled Manta's"? I'm eager to learn more and engage in the conversation.
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