North Carolina Wreck•Shark Shootout 2016North Carolina Wreck•Shark Shootout 2016 Hosted by Mike Gerken & Evolution Underwater Imaging LLC ©2016; All Rights Reserved
From left to Right: Justin Smith, Chris Bronk, Robert Purifoy, Andre Labuda, Seth Moyette, Frankie Womack, Chuck Wingo, Matt Steere, Lucas Koch, Hanz Lehrke, Michelle Peabody, Mike Gerken, Nicoile Travis, Will Strickland, Barry Gregg, Tyler Mahler, John Palmer, Tim Fischetti, Annette Papa, En-Min Chua, Dawn Birmingham, David Alpert, Julian Hogan, Bob Birmingham, Gavin Volmer, Juergen Scharner; Not Shown: Scott Stitt, Ian Ford, Stuart Gibbons, Dale Rhoton and Stuart Vernon Holy White Shark! That is exactly what we saw at this years shootout. Due to strong currents offshore we were relegated to diving the inshore wrecks of the Indra and the new tugs. Nancey Cost, one of the participants, requested I have a look at her cameras screen to help her identify a shark she saw and photo'd. Thinking it was maybe a bull shark or a sand tiger I took a look with the usual interest. Low and behold she shows me a photo of a 8-10' Great White Shark! My jaw dropped to my knees. This was indeed a rare sighting. Fortunately for her, others saw it as well to confirm the sighting. What a rush to see a rare and majestic great white only 8 miles from shore in only 60 feet of water! And this was how we started our NC Wreck•Shark Shootout for 2016. What a rush.
This years shootout was attended by 30 excited shark hunters using an assortment of cameras from the arsenal. Nikon and Canon SLR's, SeaLife and GoPro point and shoots to name a few. By the end of the third day the gang took some handsome images of sharks and the wrecks that they inhabit off the North Carolina Coast. Mother nature did create a few obstacles to deal with such as strong currents offshore, a passing tropical depression and a dive or two with less than desirable visibility (but oodles of Sand Tigers). At the awards dinner, catered by Floyd's 1921 restaurant, I was more than happy to give out some amazing prizes to the winners of the competition judged by photo journalist Scott Johnson. I handed out liveaboard trips, land based excursions, dive gear, photo equipment and plenty of swag. (See full list of prizes here.) The only real negative of the trip was the winds picked up on the last day of the shootout and we had to cancel the diving. I couldn't complain too much for we did get out for 3 out of the 4 days and managed to see a nice variety of sharks on 4 different wreck sights. The two days previous to the shootout (the recon dives) we had 80-100' vis on Papoose with plenty of sand tigers, sand bars, groupers, giant southern stingrays and so much more. The Atlas Tanker the next day was nothing to shrug off either. 50-80' vis with amazing sand tigers and more of the bountiful marine life that makes North Carolina diving so famous. These dives are the pinnacle of what NC diving has to offer. Without a doubt, plans for next years shootout are already in the works. I will be making an announcement on Facebook, Twitter and my personal newsletter within a few weeks and will be accepting deposits immediately. This shootout continues to grow in popularity and that is mostly due to the awesome sponsors and the great people that attend. Having such people to share my love of diving, sharks and wrecks is a highlight of my year. Thank you to all!
Video Highlights 2016 And the winners of the 3rd Annual North Carolina Wreck•Shark Shootout 2016 at Olympus Dive Center are: Grand Prize Winner
Best in Show - David Alpert Truk Odyssey Liveaboard Trip Sand Tiger Shark Best Shark Photo
First Place Winner - Juergen Scharner Sam's Tours/Unique Dive Expeditions Dive/Hotel Package Sand Tiger on the Atlas Tanker
2nd Place Winner - Stuart Gibbons Sea & Sea YS-D2 Strobe Sand Tiger Shark on the Atlas Tanker
3rd Place Winner - Andre Labuda Big Blue Underwater Light System Sand Tiger Shark
Best Wreck Photo Category
First Place Winner - Stuart Gibbons Caribbean Explorer II Liveaboard Trip Sand Tiger Shark and diver on the USCGC Spar
2nd Place Winner - Scott Stitt Olympus Dive Center Dive/Lodge Package Sand Tiger inside Club Aeolus
3rd Place Winner - John Palmer Wreck Diving Magazine 1 yr subscription + T-Shirt + OMS SMB and Thumb Spool Key Hole of the Aeolus Best Video Short Edited
First Place Winner - Frankie Womack Utila Dive Center Hotel/Dive Package
Dive Aventuras Dive Package
Hollis Mask + OMS SMB and Thumb Spool
Best Video Short Unedited
First Place Winner - Andre Labuda Sea Life Micro 2.0 Camera
2nd Place Winner - Barry Gregg Tusa Mask, Fins & Snorkel
3rd Place Winner - Juergen Scharner Backscatter $100 Gift Certificates
Best Point & Shoot Photo
First Place Winner - Bob Birmingham Scubapro MK21 Regulator Diver and Sand Tiger Shark
2nd Place Winner - Juergen Scharner Sherwood Blizzard Regulator Sand Tiger on the Atlas Tanker
3rd Place Winner - Barry Gregg Wreck Diving Magazine 1 Yr subscription + T-Shirt Sand Tiger Shark inside the Aeolus
Best Vivid-Pix Fix
Winner - Nicole Travis Vivid-Pix Editing Software
I wanted to quickly list all the sponsors here for the event. Without them, I could not put this together. Sam's Tours and Unique Diving Expeditions in Palau, Sea & Sea Photo, Karen Doody's Dive Aventuras, Scubapro, Sherwood, Hampton Dive Center, Backscatter, Wreck Diving Magazine, Vivid-Pix, Sea-Life Cameras, Explorer Ventures Liveaboards, Utila Dive Center and of course Olympus Dive Center. Your support has made this event a memorable event. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank You Sponsors
See you all next year Wreck Shark Lovers!
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